I grew up with two wonderfully talented parents. My father gave me an eye for detail while working with him restoring exotic cars. My mother, a very talented painter, taught me how to envision and produce my designs.
Using the talents God has given me and the skills my parents have taught me, I began my career designing bead and wire wine glasses 14 years ago. 2007, I turned my attention to jewelry and now am able to do what I love and create beautiful fun and funky jewelry and art from the recycle bin for everyone to enjoy.
Working with a collaboration of artistic minds and hands, we will continue to create new designs for you to enjoy.

Thank you for your interest and continued support and remember we all have the power to take care of the world!
We believe in the beauty of community outreach. We donate $1 from the sale of every piece on our Christian jewelry to Victory Junction. Victory Junction enriches the lives of children with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses by providing life-

We also support several local animal rescue groups here in the
Triad area. We donate $1 from the sale of every Kitty, Paw and Puppy face.